Date: November 22. 19:00h
Venue: Uránia National Film Theater
Three European countries – the Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland – refused their attendance on the Olympic Games supporting Hungary during the repression of the Hungarian revolution of ‘56 and oppression on the Soviet Union. The event’s aim is to thank and honor those sportsmen who missed one of the biggest opportunities of their life due to their solidarity towards our country.
On the 60th anniversary of the revolution and the opening ceremony of that years Olympic Games we would like to commemorate – together with our invited guests – the sportsmen that they supported our country and gave up on one of the biggest sports achievements of their lives for the freedom of a country perhaps unknown for many. Many of them are going to be rewarded with Dávid Raffay sculptor’s unique medals by Hungarian Olympians.
Performers representing the three nation’s music:
Banda Ádám
Bognár Szilvia
Lakatos Mónika
Harcsa Veronika – Gyémánt Bálint duó
Lakatos Miklós
Vidák Róbert, Hosman Ádám, Takács Donát
Hungarian FolkEmbassy – Magyar Népzenei Nagykövetség, The Host of the Gala
The patron of the event: Mr László Kövér, Head of the Parliament
The program is supported by the Memorial Committee set up for the Anniversary of the 1956 Revolution and Freedom Figh.