Philidor Insititute - Civil European Sport and Music Diplomacy Nonprofit Kft - is a cultural institute that organizes its own scientific research and cultural programs towards strengthening Hungary’s international relations through presentation of Hungary’s music and sport culture in the European context.
Our institute collaborates with Hungarian Folk Embassy (Magyar Népzenei Nagykövetség) – a band dedicated to diplomacy through Hungarian folk music - in some of its activities.
Our main task is to establish music diplomacy as a new area of scientific study in our region.
Our strategic partner, Budapest’s Fonó Music Hall has commissioned us as foreign affairs office handling international level representation of their accumulated folk music and jazz heritage.
While music diplomacy is the main pillar of our institute, sport diplomacy complements our portfolio, when soft diplomacy through music and sport, without language barriers, can strengthen each other and identity formation.
We cooperate with international and Hungarian civil organizations that have similar profiles; universities and scientific research groups; musicians, athletes; and related top Hungarian state organizations.
1. Research on methodology for music diplomacy in the Hungarian and regional environment. A new area of science in Europe as support for formal diplomacy with background research on methodology.
2. Finding events that, through sport and /or music history, will raise consciousness in Hungarian and international public life and strengthen Hungary’s bilateral connections and international image.
3. Strengthening the identity of the Visegrád+ countries through presentation of common music heritage and sports events.
4. Scientific presentation showing how European culture is embedded in Hungarian culture - through demonstration of Hungarian folk arts, Hungarian decorative arts, music, dance, etc. Systematization of European Renaissance and Baroque elements, preparation of publications, international presentation through organization of related conferences and research.
5. Hungarian FolkEmbassy (a folk music ensemble) – Their representation, and development of a supporting institutional structure; pracitical systematization of the results of folk music diplomacy.
Folk music diplomacy in action – see introductory materials for Hungarian FolkEmbassy (tours, performances in Pakistan, Taiwan, Milan, Estonia, regularly in Poland)
6. Hungarian-Hungarian relations and strengthening Hungarian identitiy in the diaspora through folk music and sport.
7. The role of Gypsies in Hungarian and European culture and its emphasis for an intellectual audience - in cooperation with Romengro Ensemble
8. Strengthening the connection between the Dance House Movement and the intelligentsia through HungarianFolk Embassy and the free university. See: Haza a magasban and / cultural blog
9. Promoting export of "Hungarikum”s (certified original Hungarian products and cultural phenomenae) that pair well with music – Hungarian wine, for example. Organizing cultural programs toward expanding connections with local importers and creation of product demonstrations.
10. Developing ideas, possibilities, structures for realizing music and sport diplomacy in the civil sphere. Finding conduits for funding – including, assuming the appropriate volume, also national and international resources.
Highest patron: Sebestyén Márta
Supporter: Fonó Budai Zeneház
The team:
Rosonczy-Kovács Mihály - director
Vidák Rózsa
Zubreczki Gábor
Szabó Ibolya - accounting, administration
Biczi és Turi Ügyvédi Iroda
Address: 1023 Budapest, Frankel Leó u. 21-23.
The program is supported by the Memorial Committee set up for the Anniversary of the 1956 Revolution and Freedom Figh.